Are you one of the millions of Americans suffering from allergies? With an increasing amount of insults to our immune system, even from an early age, allergies and autoimmune disease continue to rise across the nation. Is she eyes, postnasal drip, sore throat, and other annoying symptoms keep you from enjoying family reunions and outdoor activities with friends and family. While the typical approach of steroid inhalers and antihistamines may give short-term relief, they may actually contribute to a continuation or worsening of your underlying problem. Many people who experience allergies were treated with repeated antibiotics as a child. This disruption to the healthy flora in the gut leads to a host of problems down the road. If allergies are an improper response by a hyperactive immune system, doesn't it make sense to focus on balancing and strengthen your immune system? If ignored long term, your immune system will only become worse. Since the majority of your immune system is in your gastrointestinal tract, we often begin by focusing our efforts in that area. In addition, we have many other therapies and recommendations to help you feel better quickly.