Autoimmune diseases happen when the body mistakes itself as the bad guy. The immune system begins attacking the tissues of the body and can express itself as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and even Celiac Disease - just to name a few. It would appear that any time allopathic medicine can't come up with a reason for the symptoms you are having, they develop another autoimmune label. These labels tell us nothing about the cause of the disease, but only that your symptoms match a specific checklist for that diagnosis. We don't believe autoimmune disease happens because of only genetics, or bad luck, or accident. Rather the body finally succumbs to the cumulative insults to your immune system. Symptoms in various tissues begin to manifest themselves as a "disease", but the problem is the immune system, not the gland or organ it is attacking. Therefore, Hashimoto's should not be treated as a thyroid disease, nor should rheumatoid arthritis be treated as a joint disease. We work to identify the various triggers of your immune system, thereby allowing us to effectively treat, and possibly reverse, your autoimmune condition.