If you are having symptoms of pain, numbness, or tingling that is aggravated by repetitive motions such as typing, cash register use, using tools in construction, sewing, or others, it may be due to irritation of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. This pain can be severe and really limit your activities. However, many people with hand pain mistakenly self-diagnose it as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. True CTS only affects the median nerve, and therefore does not manifest itself in the pinkie area of the hand.
We have therapies here in our office that have proven to help this disorder and many of our patients never need surgery. The trick is to catch it early before there is too much inflammation or damage to the nerve. Even if you feel your case is more advanced, it never hurts to investigate any options you might have before considering surgery.
Procedures like neural prolotherapy and prolozone have shown great results in many patients. Healing time from invasive procedures like surgery can take weeks or longer.