You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to see that the Food Guide Pyramid is failing us. The cholesterol and fat scare of the 80's and 90's is finally starting to fade into the abyss of mass media hype, along with all the other 120 fad diets that you and all your friends have tried and abondoned after 2 weeks.
What does work? A common sense diet that is sustainable and based on ancient traditions being in harmony with your body's physiology. There are major advantages to having an expert guide you through the journey to transforming your diet from the SAD (Standard American Diet) to a holistic diet that is sustainable long term. You will have wisdom to guide you, and accountability to encourage you! We want to teach you HOW to eat, not just what not to eat. Don't have time to cook or shop for healthy food? We can help! Whether you are fine tuning your athletic dominance, trying to shed some of the extra weight, or trying to overcome a chronic disease, diet should be at the core of what you do. Without a proper diet, you are starting with the odds stacked against you.
One of the major benefits of working with a Holistic Nutritionist at the Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine is that you also have access to genetic and laboratory testing (thyroid, cholesterol, etc...) through our Naturopath. You have a team of experts all working together to help you achieve your optimal health goals. Call the Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine today to see how our Holistic Nutritionist can help you! (208) 629-5374