Hydrogen Peroxide Boosts Human Immune Function To Fight Disorders


The human immune system depends greatly upon the amount of hydrogen peroxide present to neutralize foreign invaders. Read more about it in this excerpt by these doctors: Charles Farr, M.D., Ph.D., Gordon Josephs, D.O., M.D.(H), William Campbell Douglass, M.D., Walter O. Grotz, Dr. Edward Rosenow

“I must report on this promising therapy, as so many physicians and patients have given me good tidings from its use. What is probably not so well known by the general public, and many practicing physicians, is that hydrogen peroxide has been used for more than a century, the abstracts of articles and research reports published from 1966 through 1988 alone reaches 2″ high when printed on 8-1/2″X11″ paper.

A number of clinics in the United States and Mexico use hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well as other treatment modalities, on a routine basis, usually given by intravenous injection (IV). Before scoffing, keep in mind that one of the very first lines of defense against any and all microorganisms recognized as invaders by our immunological system are macrophages and leucocytes, one of which uses hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the foreigners; and that vitamin C is effective principally by its ability to promote hydrogen peroxide use against foreign invaders, including parasites, viruses, bacteria, yeast/fungus; and that all body tissues contain catalase and that hydrogen peroxide in the presence of catalase is reduced to oxygen and water. So, there is strong reason to believe that added hydrogen peroxide, used properly, may be both effective against certain organ- isms and safe. Hydrogen peroxide is an essential metabolite, meaning that it is necessary to life’s process, according to William Campbell Douglass, M.D. of Georgia. As we age, our immunological system weakens, which permits organisms of opportunity to spread, thereby breeding colonies of organisms whose presence is anathema to good health. Killing these organisms should permit at least temporary respite from microbial warfare, and give your system time to heal. According to William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

2 , not only is H 2 O 2 (Hyrogen Peroxide) involved in phagocytosis (killing and absorption of foreign germs), but also “it acts like insulin in that it aids the transport of sugar through the body.” Is is also at least as important, or perhaps more so, than thyroid for heat generation because it creates “intraceullar thermogenesis, a warming of your cells which is absolutely essential to life’s processes.” Various physicians, including some of our referral physicians, also use hydrogen peroxide therapy for various ailments. Physicians have independently discovered such treatments to be effective against some types of cancer, leukemia, arthritis, coronary heart disease, arterial circulation disorders, colitis, gum diseases, and assorted children’s diseases.”

Read the full article here: http://www.arthritistrust.org/Articles/Hydrogen%20Peroxide%20Therapy/index.htm


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