Open House – Patient Appreciation Day

We want to THANK YOU for trusting us with your health for the last 3 years!  Please join us for our Anniversary celebration on Tuesday – Feb 21st from 4-7pm.  We are going to have an Open House event just for you.  Bring a loved one to come learn more about our cutting-edge therapies.

– Prize drawings

– Light & healthy refreshments

Samples of our Top supplements

– Free Therapies (PEMF, Cold Laser, EFS, and more…)

– Free Chair Massages with Randi Michelle Roark

– Supplement Sale

– Educational Handouts

– Huge discounts on Lab Tests

Check out these deals on Labs, plus you get a FREE health report with results!  You won’t believe the savings over what most hospitals charge!  Don’t believe us?  Check out a few online pricing guides from hospitals at the bottom of this page.  


Basic Metabolic Panel – Lipid Panel, CBC, CMP, TSH

Open House Deal = $30

Hospital Cost = $225

Savings = $195


Opti-Chem Panel –  Lipid Panel, CBC, CMP, TSH, GGT, Iron, TIBC, Magnesium,Phosphate, T3 Uptake, T4,  Uric Acid, UA

Open House Deal = $55

Hospital Cost = $544

Savings = $489


Super Chem Panel – ABO Group and Rh Type, Bilirubin, CBC, CMP, Ferritin, GGT, Hgb A1c, Homocysteine, Hs-CRP, Iron, TIBC, LD, Lipid Panel, Magnesium, Phosphate, Sed Rate, T3 Uptake, T4 Total, TSH, Uric Acid, UA, Vit D

Open House Deal = $130

Hospital Cost = $973

Savings = $843


Comprehensive Wellness Panel –  Bilirubin, CRP, Cardio IQ, CBC, CMP, DHEA Sulfate, Estradiol, Ferritin, Fibrinogen, GGT, Hgb A1c, Homoscysteine, Indican, Insulin, Iodine, Iron, TIBC, LD, Lipid Panel, Magnesium, Phosphate, T3 Uptake, T4 Total, T4 Free, Testosterone, TSH, Uric Acid, UA, Vit D 

Open House Deal = $300

Hospital Cost = $1,600

Savings = $1,300


**Hospital Charges taken from various online sources, inluding:  Cleveland Clinic  |  Promedica Memorial | York Hospital

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