Many of our clients report that they wake up nightly to use the restroom. If you are already limiting your water intake at night, there might be something else going on. Did you know that when our bodies are sleeping soundly we release an antidiuretic hormone, called vasopressin, that reduces the urge to pee when sound asleep? Poor sleep, therefore, can lead to lower vasopressin release and may lead to more frequent urination trips. Additionally, since vasopressin is released later in the
We are thrilled when our clients regain their quality of life after trying one or more of our therapies. In an effort to share their success stories so that others might be helped, we are creating in-house case studies to publish periodically. Our hope is that more people will say, like our current success story patient who we’ll call Bree W. (to maintain her anonymity), that coming to ICIM meant that she found hope. View PDF by clicking on the links below: