Covid-19 Coronavirus updates and recommendations

Corona Virus rules and tips

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to have an increased impact on communities around the globe, we want to take a moment to connect with you directly to let you know we’re here for you, and that our office hours are proceeding as scheduled.

We are asking you to consider canceling your appointment with our office if you are exhibiting any of the below symptoms, OR if you, or someone you have been in contact with, has traveled internationally, or has visited a designated coronavirus “hotspot” within the last 14 days.

A. Currently have a fever or have had a fever within the last 5 days.

B. Currently experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat or ears, body aches, joint pain, vomiting or diarrhea.

We have always taken pride in our clean and well-run office, and we know that cleanliness is more important than ever right now. We’re taking guidance from the CDC, which recommends regular cleaning as one of the most important preventive measures we can take.

We are cleaning our office continuously throughout each day, focusing especially on high-touch and highly trafficked surfaces.  We will also do our best to stock alcohol-based hand sanitizers and soap for use by employees and patients throughout the day.

Please contact your primary care physician, urgent care center or local government hotline to report that you may need to be tested for Covid-19. Then please call our office to cancel or reschedule your appointments.

Additionally -If you have been diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19), Influenza (Flu type A or B) and have visited our office within the last 14 days, please notify us immediately.

We want what’s best for you, your family, and your health, and we’re here to help in any way we can. We plan to maintain our office hours, and your overall health is our top priority.  On that note, here are some extra tips for avoiding a serious infection.

Follow the BIG 5 rules from the World Health Organization
1) Wash hands often
2) Cough into your elbow/clothing
3) Don’t touch your face 
4) Stay more than 3 feet from others
5) Stay home if you feel sick

Here are 5 tips from us for staying healthy or fighting infection:
1) Avoid stress (including too much news)
2) Get plenty of sleep
3) Avoid sugar, alcohol, and processed foods
4) Try supplements to boost immune system function like Vitamin A, C, & D, Zinc, melatonin, shitake mushrooms, andrographis, L-Lysine, and monolaurin.  
5) Use a nebulizer with 5 parts water, 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide or Argentyn 23 silver

Also, here’s an interesting article about protecting yourself during the vulnerable time in bed

Yours in Health,

the ICIM

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