Suffering from Long Covid? Recovering from long COVID symptoms might take some time. At the Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine, we’re here to help patients manage and even recover from their long-term symptoms. Some of the most common long COVID symptoms include: Fatigue Breathing difficulties/shortness of breath Cough Chest Pain Change in smell or taste Depression Joint or muscle pain Menstrual cycle changes Headaches Sleep Problems Some experts say persistent symptoms for longer than four weeks post-infection qualify as long COVID, while others require 12
On Friday, February 17th, Idaho Chiropractors introduced legislation that will re-establish the use of micro-nutrient injection therapy, which was removed in an administrative rule change during the 2016 legislative session. The House PASSED this bill on 2/27/17 with a 64-5 majority, so now it goes to the Senate! On March 9th (Tuesday), Dr. Noah will be testifying before the Senate. You can help us by contacting your Senator BEFORE the hearing. We very much hope that all of you
We want to THANK YOU for trusting us with your health for the last 3 years! Please join us for our Anniversary celebration on Tuesday – Feb 21st from 4-7pm. We are going to have an Open House event just for you. Bring a loved one to come learn more about our cutting-edge therapies. – Prize drawings – Light & healthy refreshments – Samples of our Top supplements – Free Therapies (PEMF, Cold Laser,
The ICIM (Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine) is a place where patients can come get new hope by exploring complementary and alternative therapies. We offer safe and conservative therapies (Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Nutrition, Prolozone, Electromagnetic Frequency, and much more) that are cutting edge, yet are still grounded in research and efficacy.