Thanks for choosing us.  Below is our Appointment Request form.  This does NOT guarantee your appointment slot, but it does send us a request.  Your visit must be approved by our admin first, then we’ll confirm your time & date with you!

New Patients 

Click Here

Existing Patients 

Click Here

New Patient icon
Existing Patient icon



We require New Patient Paperwork to be filled out PRIOR to your appointment.  Please call 208-629-5374 or send us an email – t h e I C I M (at) g m a i l (dot) c o m to get on the schedule.  While we are typically booked out for some weeks into the future, we always keep a cancellation list active to get urgent visits in sooner.  

**In order to help us better serve you, please make sure to include the following TWO things in the comments or voicemail**

1) What type of visit you’re seeking:   

     a) Chiropractic   

     b) Acupuncture   

     c) Functional Medicine/Naturopathic consult (for chronic conditions such as fatigue, thyroid, hormones, digestion, auto-immune disease, allergies, etc…)

     d) Injections (Prolozone, Platelet Rich Plasma {PRP}, Neural therapy, Prolotherapy, etc…)

     e) Infusions or IV therapy (Vitamin C IV, Hydrogen Peroxide, UVBI, Ozone, etc…)

     f) Ancillary therapies not requiring direct contact with Dr. Noah (Cold Laser, EWOT, PEMF, Vibration plate, etc…)

2) What condition are you seeking care for (ex. Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Tennis Elbow, IBS, Diabetes, etc…) 



EXISTING PATIENTS -You may use the online scheduling platform below.  If you are experiencing problems, please call our office directly. 

We also offer Telehealth / Telemedicine virtual appointments via Zoom, Skype, or telephone for Functional Medicine appointments as well as medical and prescription follow ups with our Nurse Practitioner.