All New Patients to The Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine must fill out the appropriate paper work (Chiropractic OR Functional Medicine) before being seen in our clinic. Please call or email our office to have the paperwork emailed to you.  If you aren’t able to fill out the forms electronically, then we’ll email you a pdf version to print out and fill out.

Having trouble deciding which packet to fill out? Check out this info for further guidance:

Chiropractic – aches and pains, bumps and bruises, sprains and strains.  This is for people with neck and back pain, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and more…

Functional Medicine – for patients with internal conditions affecting digestion, hormones, autoimmunity, or other mystery symptoms that haven’t responded to previous treatments.  These are often the chronic cases where you’ve been told all your labs are “normal,” but you still feel lousy.  

Phone: (208) 629-5374 56780