Nutritient IV therapyThere is no doubt that proper levels of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids are what help keep our body healthy and disease free. Most people with chronic disease have deficiencies of one or more of these. Many of us take supplements; while many of us should, but do not. The problem is that only a percentage of the supplements we take orally are absorbed into the bloodstream, and this largely depends on the quality of the supplement. This is only complicated by the fact that many people have a compromised digestive tract, which will inherently do a worse job at absorbing and assimilating vitamins and minerals. Many supplements out there may not contain true or even pure amounts of the nutrients you think you are taking.

Our office provides these IV Nutritional Therapies:

Myer’s Cocktail: This is a combination of vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, B12, and more) and it has been around for decades. This combination packs a punch but we have also added the component Glutathione to make it even more effective. This is great for chronic fatigue, boosted immune function, and mental clarity.

Major Auto-Hemotherapy: This procedure involves subjecting the blood to ozone, which helps oxygenate the blood and boosts the immune system.   Ozone is simply a concentrated, more powerful form of oxygen. It has three atoms of oxygen, instead of two. Pure, medical grade oxygen is run through a generator to produce, ozone, or O3.   This third atom of oxygen, when injected into the body, is released to help drive cellular energy, repair, and regeneration. This treatment is great for chronic or acute infections, degenerative conditions, or things like hepatitis, Lyme disease, herpes, macular degeneration and more. Those suffering from a compromised immune system have been known to benefit, this includes chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or those with auto-immune diseases.

Hydrogen Peroxide IV: Your body uses peroxides to help kill and clean up infections. Infusions of hydrogen peroxide are great for boosting the immune system and aiding in respiratory conditions. This treatment is great for chronic or acute infections, degenerative conditions, or things like hepatitis, Lyme disease, herpes, macular degeneration and more. Those suffering from a compromised immune system have been known to benefit, this includes chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or those with auto-immune diseases.

NAD IV – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (IV NAD) therapy is a coenzyme found in every cell of the body and plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair. It may have potential benefits in enhancing cellular function, improving energy levels, and promoting overall well-being. Some also believe that it could aid in addiction recovery and neurodegenerative conditions. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, and the therapy is still considered experimental. Many of our patients love this IV for the lasting energy it provides them.

Poly MVA – PolyMVA is a proprietary formulation that combines minerals, vitamins, and alpha-lipoic acid. This combination may have potential benefits in supporting cellular health, improving energy production, and bolstering the body’s ability to combat oxidative stress.  It does so by repairing your body’s mitochondria – the powerhouse of the cell, and the part most injured in chronic diseases.  This therapy is our choice for any liver or neurological issues.  Many patients have found relief from their neuropathy using Poly MVA infusions.

IV Vitamin C – More and more research is coming out to support the use of high doses of Vitamin C to support chronic disease.  Many cancer patients notice benefits to support their traditional oncology therapies.  Patients with chronic infections like Epstein Barr (Mono), Lyme, etc… also benefit from the boost to their immune system function.

What are IV Nutrients?

One of the best ways to introduce particular nutrients into the body to be utilized properly is directly through the blood stream. There are several different therapies that are available to aid with some of these issues and boost the immune system. We use carefully formulated materials from a compounded pharmacy and follow safe and specific formulations for our protocols. Your IV could contain many wonderful ingredients, such as – Vitamin C, Magnesium, zinc, selenium, trace minerals, amino acids, B Vitamins, B12, Folic acid, and more. These are all given via infusion, much like you’d get for hydration in the hospital. Our staff is highly trained to make the experience safe and comfortable.

What can IV Nutrients help with? Immune system dysfunction, fatigue, chronic infections, and much more..

ICIM Success Stories using IV Nutrients

Coming Soon

Medical Research about IV NutrientsComing Soon

Additional Info about IV Nutrients at the ICIM

Dr. Noah has worked closely with alternative medicine pioneers such as Dr. Frank Shallenberger for his training in Advanced Ozone. We strive to make your experience a pleasant one here in our offices. Many people have a fear of needles; this is very normal, but rest assured that your health is very important to us. Your safety and comfort are at the forefront of what we do to ensure you have an optimal experience here at our clinic.

While these treatments can be very effective, most insurance plans do not cover these. For your convenience, we do offer packages to bundle these for you at a savings. Please contact us for more information!