Peptide therapies are one of the fastest growing segments in healthcare for good reason.  These natural molecules have been researched extensively for their healing capabilities and safety.  Scientists are continually searching to unlock the mysteries of healing, and most of these agents are things already found or created in our bodies.  With the ability to create these peptides in a sterile lab, we are now able to harness the same healing potential at maximized doses. Since these are compounded in a sterile pharmacy, a prescription is required.  Please call our Boise office to schedule your Peptide Consult (telemedicine also available).

See below for some of the peptides currently offered, but please keep in mind the FDA is constantly changing their stance on peptides, so availability is subject to change.

AOD 9604 – regulates fat metabolism, triggers fat release, Weight loss

BPC 157 – NMS injuries, tissue repair, GI permeability (oral/ injectable)

CJC/Ipamorelin – Lean muscle mass, better sleep, decrease body fat

DSIP – Sleep, chronic pain

Epitalon – Anti-Aging, Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, Endocrine health, metabolism and body weight, reduces acute respiratory disease, Treats Long Haulers, Osteoarthritis/Osteoporosis

GHK-Cu – Anti-Aging, Hair loss/wrinkles, Anti Cancer, tissue remodeling

MOTS-c – Obesity, Insulin resistance Protective effect on acute lung injury, Enhances glucose uptake into muscle

NAD – Anti-Aging, Liver, Kidney, Skeletal, Cardiac, DNA repair, Anti-Cancer

PT-141 – Premenopausal women w/HSDD, for both men and women, boosts sex drive, raises sexual desire

Selank – reduces anxiety/stress / enhances GABA/ positively influences memory and learning

Semax – Strokes / TIA / Cognitive Disorders / ADHD/Learning/ memory/Positive mood / reducing anxiety

Synapsin – Adrenal fatigue / Memory improvement

TB500 – Healing, reduces scar tissue, soft tissue repair ligaments and tendons/ Sports injuries

Tirzepatide – Weight loss, A1C reduction, heart health, Reduced appetite

TA1 – Immune Boosting stimulate the adaptive immune response, which is essential for fighting viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and cancers, as well as COVID