PRP (platelet rich plasma) also known as “Vampire Facials” are likely the safest and most holistic anti-aging procedure out there. 

PRP utilizes your own blood, so it’s completely natural. Blood is drawn from you, spun down, and the platelet rich plasma is then re-injected into your face. PRP has been shown to reduce wrinkles, plump and tighten skin, rebuild collagen, diminish acne scars, and brighten the skin.
What to expect – While drawing your blood and spinning it down we will place a topical numbing cream to your face. The face is then cleaned and PRP is injected by many micro injections into the face or problem spots.
Is it painful? The numbing cream we place on your face significantly reduces the pain associated with PRP facials. You can experience some slight burning after injection which only lasts a few seconds
Is there down time? There are not any restrictions after the PRP but I would recommend doing the procedure on a day you don’t have much planned. Your face will be red for a few hours, mild swelling, and occasional bruising. You may be a bit tender for a few days, but this is minimal.
Our prices are competitive, and we use some of the highest quality equipment on the market.  When it comes to PRP, quality really matters.  If you use cheap fillers or centrifuge equipment, you can’t get equal results.