The Meyers’ Cocktail has been found to help people with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune issues. The unique blend of nutrients works in the body, bypassing the digestive tract, to help relieve painful symptoms associated with many autoimmune conditions. “A 48-year-old woman presented with a six-year history of fairly constant myalgias and arthralgias, with pain in the neck, back, and hip, and tightness in the left arm. Six
Most people experience fatigue on occasion while some experience it daily and with severe debilitating effects on their quality of life. There are many factors in what causes such terrible fatigue, but many have found that the Meyers’ Cocktail provides them with energy and relief for anywhere from one day to several weeks. The feeling of normalcy is priceless to those who suffer from terrible fatigue on a daily basis and nutritional IV therapies
Migraine headaches can be some of the most debilitating conditions. Often times, patients suffering from persistent migraines or even cluster headaches find significant relief with magnesium. The Meyers’ Cocktail is rich in nutrients like magnesium and is given through an IV to prevent those valuable nutrients from being lost during digestion. Most patients notice a great improvement during the therapy. “A 44-year-old female suffered from frequent migraines, which appeared to be
Asthma can be a very frightening disorder that often sends patients to the hospital for treatment. Dr. Alan R. Gaby has experienced significant improvement in his asthmatic patients by using the Meyers’ Cocktail in intravenous therapy. IV therapies bypass the digestive tract so nutrients are delivered for immediate use. The B vitamins, magnesium, and calcium seem to offer an amazing preventive quality for those who suffer from asthma and other similar disorders. Many asthma
Nutritional IV therapy, such as the Meyers’ Cocktail, has been shown to improve many different ailments by introducing vitamins and minerals often lost in the digestive process to the body for immediate use. Many see results for weeks or months over oral supplementation of the same nutrients. Here is an excerpt from an article by Alan R. Gaby: “Over an 11-year period, approximately 15,000 injections were administered in an outpatient setting