Shingles treatmentsWe have had a lot of success treatig this nasty affliction.  We love being able to help relieve those skin lesions and accompanying pain from patients suffering from shingles.  The rash is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox in children. Those who have had chicken pox may have shingles at some point in their life. Many cases are seen above age 65, but it can strike anyone.  The virus has a way of lying low in nerve cells instead of being purged from the body. When conditions are right and the immune system may be compromised, the virus will make its way through the nerve cell host and down the ganglia where it will cause a disruption over the skin in the area of that nerve cell. A rash will break out over the skin, commonly presented in a line, and can be quite painful. Residual effects of shingles include nerve pain and neuralgia, a type of chronic nerve pain. Many people report a burning sensation, tingling, or numbness in that area. This condition can last for years and is miserable to live with.  Our clinic has several effective treatments to assist in ridding your body of the pain and discomfort shingles brings. What are Shingles? Coming Soon What therapies can help with Shingles?Frequency Specific Microcurrent IV Vitamin C infusions ICIM success stories treating Shingles Coming Soon Medical Research about Shingles Coming Soon Additional information about Shingles at the ICIM Coming Soon