Suffering from Long Covid?
Recovering from long COVID symptoms might take some time.
At the Idaho Center for Integrative Medicine, we're here to help patients manage and even recover from their long-term symptoms.
Some of the most common long COVID symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Breathing difficulties/shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Chest Pain
  • Change in smell or taste
  • Depression
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Menstrual cycle changes
Some experts say persistent symptoms for longer than four weeks post-infection qualify as long COVID, while others require 12 weeks or more of symptoms to diagnose someone as a long hauler. Regardless, you know your body and if things are off. Talking to one of our Functional Medicine doctors can help you determine if you might be suffering from some prolonged effects of covid.
At our clinic, we take into account your entire health history in order to help you get back to normal. Blood work results often help us know where you might be out of balance. Upping the quality and quantity of your sleep and nutrition are also important. While these are integral skills for everyone, a person with long COVID certainly needs to address the basics.
Recent research suggests that a fasting diet might offer medical benefits to some sufferers. This is because decreased energy intake causes mitochondria to produce fewer free radicals as well as cellular renewal and protection from disease. We can help you determine the best way to implement an eating plan that will encourage cellular health and hopefully less covid symptoms.
Additionally, some patients have found that IV fluids give them the boost that they need to feel better. Intravenous Vitamin C or Ozone have many proven benefits for people who need help.
Call us today to help you address long COVID and get back to feeling like you again!

Most people experience fatigue on occasion while some experience it daily and with severe debilitating effects on their quality of life. There are many factors in what causes such terrible fatigue, but many have found that the Meyers’ Cocktail provides them with energy and relief for anywhere from one day to several weeks. The feeling of normalcy is priceless to those who suffer from terrible fatigue on a daily basis and nutritional IV therapies can give that gift.

Many patients with unexplained fatigue have responded to the Myers’, with results lasting only a few days or as long as several months. Patients who benefited often returned at their own discretion for another treatment when the effect had worn off. One patient with fatigue associated with chronic hepatitis B experienced marked and progressive improvement in energy levels with weekly or twice-monthly injections.”

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5 2002


Nutritional IV therapy, such as the Meyers’ Cocktail, has been shown to improve many different ailments by introducing vitamins and minerals often lost in the digestive process to the body for immediate use. Many see results for weeks or months over oral supplementation of the same nutrients. Here is an excerpt from an article by Alan R. Gaby:

Over an 11-year period, approximately 15,000 injections were administered in an outpatient setting to an estimated 800-1,000 different patients. Conditions that frequently responded included asthma attacks, acute migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, and seasonal allergic rhinitis. A small number of patients with congestive heart failure, angina, chronic urticaria, hyperthyroidism, dysmenorrhea, or other conditions were also treated with the Myers’ and most showed marked improvement. Many relatively healthy patients chose to receive periodic injections because it enhanced their overall well being for periods of a week to several months.”

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5 2002