The Meyers’ Cocktail has been found to help people with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune issues. The unique blend of nutrients works in the body, bypassing the digestive tract, to help relieve painful symptoms associated with many autoimmune conditions.

A 48-year-old woman presented with a six-year history of fairly constant myalgias and arthralgias, with pain in the neck, back, and hip, and tightness in the left arm. Six months previously she was found to have an elevated sedimentation rate (50 mm/hr). She was diagnosed by a rheumatologist as possibly having polymyalgia rheumatica, although the diagnosis of fibromyalgia was also considered. Her history was also significant for migraines about eight times per year and chronic nasal congestion. Physical examination revealed extremely stiff muscles, with decreased range of motion in many areas of her body. The patient was given a therapeutic trial consisting of 6 mL vitamin C, 4 mL magnesium, 2.5 mL calcium, and 1 mL each of B12, B6, B5, and B complex. At the end of the injection, she got off the table and, with a look of amazement, announced her muscle aches and joint pains were gone for the first time in six years.”

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5 2002



Migraine headaches can be some of the most debilitating conditions. Often times, patients suffering from persistent migraines or even cluster headaches find significant relief with magnesium. The Meyers’ Cocktail is rich in nutrients like magnesium and is given through an IV to prevent those valuable nutrients from being lost during digestion. Most patients notice a great improvement during the therapy.

A 44-year-old female suffered from frequent migraines, which appeared to be triggered in many instances by exposure to environmental chemicals or, occasionally, to ingestion of foods to which she was allergic. Allergy desensitization therapy had provided little benefit. Over a six-year period, the patient was given IV therapy on approximately 70 occasions for migraines. Nearly all of these injections resulted in considerable improvement or complete relief within several minutes, although a few treatments were ineffective. Through trial and error, it was determined her most effective regimen was 16 mL vitamin C, 5 mL magnesium, 4 mL calcium, 2 mL B6, and 1 mL each of B12, B5, and B complex. The 4-mL dose of calcium was found to provide better relief than lower calcium doses. Over the years, a half dozen other patients have presented one or more times with an acute migraine. In almost every instance, the Myers’ produced a gratifying response within a few minutes.”

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5 2002