Chronic neuropathic pain can be exhausting and frustrating at the same time. There are many who suffer terribly and are told there is nothing more that can be done besides try the latest prescription pain drug. Neural Prolotherapy to the rescue! This safe and minimally-invasive procedure uses tiny injections of a natural solution to quench the pain in superficial nerves. While there are many different kinds of pain, neuropathic pain stays with you and can be difficult to control. It generally feels deep and can be difficult to localize. Many orthopedic and neurological exam tests come up negative for neuropathic pain, making it very difficult to diagnose.
Neural Prolotherapy should not be confused with neural therapy or prolotherapy as they are not the same. Neural prolotherapy is a newer technique brought to light by a medical doctor from New Zealand, Dr. John Lyftogt and is a highly successful and minimally invasive treatment. Research has found that even painful organs and joints have nerves in the skin directly above them that can help conduct pain impulses.
This procedure is all about calming an inflamed nerve, getting it to settle down, and relieving your pain. It is very useful with conditions like inflamed joints, sports injuries, migraines, tendonitis, and much more! This is another option in pain management, especially for those who have been told that they are going to have to live with the pain! We want to help you have a better quality of life! This procedure can provide relief for some before even leaving the office.