Oxygen is vital in the healing process and in how the body fights inflammation. Often times, more oxygen is required than what our body is supplying. That is where prolozone injections come in. This safe and effective treatment delivers the much needed oxygen to any area that needs help in healing. There is no other injection therapy like it.
Relief is achieved by injecting a natural, nutrient rich solution at the site of pain and then followed with an injection of ozone (concentrated oxygen gas). Ozone is naturally occurring in the human body. The procedure is minimally invasive and there are few risks because the skin is sterilized and ozone is antimicrobial. When paired with Peptides or PRP, this treatment can do wonders for arthritis and chronic pain.
Dr. Noah Edvalson is a Fellow of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy (FAAO), an Academy Prolozone Therapist (APT), and one of the only practitioners in Idaho to have completed the Advanced Prolozone Therapy training with both Drs. Frank Shallenberger and Robert Rowen. Make sure you choose someone that is trained and credentialed by the American Academy of Ozone Therapy.